What I believe about Q4 2021 — Cryptos

Julian Ramirez
2 min readSep 28, 2021

I want to talk about what’s going on right now on the markets. This is a trending topic because we all expect a second leg in the second Q which will bring us ATH for BTC, ETH, and to the entire crypto market. NFA

This will be caused because more institutional money will come to the market, a Bitcoin ETF could be approved or some nations will start buying it. All of these actions could cause an increment in price which will begin the FOMO of the mass and attention of media, these last will bring more money to reach ATH.

Right now we are experiencing a healthy correction needed for the Q4 which, in other words, is:

  • Making the “paper” hands sell their Bitcoins a “low” prices to “Diamond” hands. This especially is bad for the people who sell their Bitcoins on losses because of the fear that it could dip more.
  • Diamond hands buy the coins sold by the paper hands. This is the HUGE wall of buy orders that everyone is talking about that we have at 38K-40K USD per BTC. This causes a redistribution of Bitcoin to informed people or those who are in the ecosystem not only because of the ROI but because of what this technology provides to humans: freedom
  • Once we hold the line of 40k, confidence in the market will come back and with it, money will flood really massive. Remember: “When everyone is greedy you must be fearful and when everyone is fearful, you must be greedy”. In other words, sell when everyone wants to buy and buy when everyone is selling

In general, what's happening right now is only a moment needed to:

  • Liquidate the Leverage: this is the money “borrowed” for traders that will cause huge bubbles (if money keeps going UP and they have long positions open, this will increase massively)
source: https://www.bybt.com/pro/futures/LiquidationEx
  • Educate short-term holders or newbies. This is important because if they don’t learn with all Youtubers and content being shared on the internet, they will learn with their own experience

We must be cautious with the crypto market but I believe this is a key changer, it will provide a TON of solutions that in last times were not possible, or at least, they were too difficult to think about.

This post is intended to share my point of view, educate, and share thoughts. Please, if you want to discuss something or to note something, go ahead! We are here to learn.

Thanks for reading! Any comment or advice is welcome.

Julian R. V.



Julian Ramirez

Mathematician, originally from Colombia and having moved to Mexico at 14. Outside my professional pursuits, I am a climber, traveler, and culture enthusiast.